Smartfish Technologies - Ergo Keyboard & Mouse
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Whirl™ Mini Laser Mouse w/ Anti-Gravity Comfort Pivot

Introducing anti-gravity comfort for your computer mouse— the Whirl™ Mini’s patented ErgoMotion™ pivot system makes your mouse feel like it's "floating on air!" See More


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Whirl™ Laser Mouse w/ Anti-Gravity Comfort Pivot

The Smartfish Whirl™ Laser Mouse features a patented motion-base that for the first time allows the mouse to move with your natural hand and wrist positions while you mouse. This unique symmetrical design conforms to both right- and left-handed users, and with the power of ErgoMotion™ hands and wrists are never forced to into a fixed position making mousing comfortable for everyone. See More


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Relfex™ Compact Keyboard

The Relflex™ Compact Keyboard uses a patented, intelligent motion system that tracks your typing activity, so it can automatically make incremental adjustments to your position. This smart motion ensures your hands and wrists are never in a fixed position while you type, making it the most comfortable keyboard ever! See More


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Mouse Pad Travel Pouch

The Smartfish Mouse Pad Travel Pouch is the perfect travel companion! This functional design is not only a mouse pad, but also zips up into a compact pouch to tote and protect your notebook mouse and other computer necessities when you are on the go. See More


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Interested in ordering large quantities? We offer discounted rates to companies purchasing large quantities. Click here to inquire about buying in bulk. is the authoritative resource for ergonomics, comfort laser mice, ergonomic laser mice, ergonomic laptop mice, bluetooth ergonomic mice, laser ergonomic laser mice, ergonomic optical mice, ergonomic keyboards, comfort keyboards. Smartfish technologies is the authoritative source for the most innovative rsi mice, rsi keyboards, carpal tunel mice, carpal tunnel keyboards.and the latest in comfort and ergonomic computer related products.