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Gear Up with Mac Observer Cool Gear Recommendations.
Posted by Smartfish on 8/19/2011
Nancy Gravely from The Mac Observer is making her "gotta have" list for this year's back-to-school season. Smartfish's Whirl Mini is one of her personal favorite products that she just couldn't keep off her list. Take a look at her complete list and read why the Whirl Mini is the mouse she highly recommends.
This Deal is a Steal on
Posted by Smartfish on 8/18/2011
If there ever was a deal that truly was a steal this is it! Smartfish has partnered with for 24 hours offering its members a 65% discount on all Whirl Mini Laser Mice. That's right, 65% discount. Become a member today before the day is over and this steal deal is gone!
Nerd Approved School Gadget Giveaway!
Posted by Smartfish on 8/12/2011
The summer is drawing to a close, and that means its time to prepare for the upcoming school year. Fortunately, Nerd Approved can help with a PRIZE PACK stuffed with all kinds of fun and useful back to school gadgets including the Smartfish Mouse Pad Travel Pouch. 

Check out more details on all the prizes and how you can enter to win! Last day to enter is August 22, 2011. 
Sweet Deals 4 Moms Review & Giveaway
Posted by Smartfish on 7/6/2011
"As you could probably guess, my laptop gets a lot of use. Imagine, if you can, doing everything you normally do on a laptop, copy, paste, etc. using only the little laptop pad and buttons. Uh, I say no way! Then imagine using a mouse with your laptop that has a cord. At my house, the laptop, mouse and all would be on the floor in about 30 minutes, because I have a toddler that loves to climb all over me while I blog. If I didn't have a good wireless mouse, I would be one unhappy blogger. Comfort is also necessary. A great ergonomic mouse that gives a full range of motion is of the utmost importance to me, so I was sooooo very happy to receive a Whirl� Mini Laser Mouse w/ Anti-Gravity Comfort Pivot from Smartfish for review. "
Jewlery4Change Review
Posted by Smartfish on 7/6/2011
"If you spend a lot of time at the computer, as I do, you know how important it is to have a mouse that's really comfortable. Smartfish has come up with a truly unique, ergonomic mouse you're going to love. This allows the mouse to move with your natural wrist positions, making it ultra comfortable for either right- or left-handed users. Being used to a fixed wrist position with my previous mouse, it took a little getting used to the leaning and swiveling that the mouse does. After using it for a couple of hours I realized I'd completely forgotten about this and was working without any wrist discomfort at all! "
Keenly Kristin
Posted by Smartfish on 7/6/2011
"I have been using a laptop only for several years now and I've gotten used to using the touchpad/mousepad that is on the keyboard. Not that I really wanted to, but I can't stand using a makes your hand cramp and all that. So, when the folks at Smartfish Technologies asked me if I'd like to review their wireless laser mouse, I jumped at the chance. Let me back up a second. This isn't just a wireless laser's the Whirl Mini-Laser Mouse with Anti-Gravity Comfort Pivot."
Coupon Codes and Cheap Laptops at TechBargains

Gear Up with Mac Observer Cool Gear Recommendations.
This Deal is a Steal on
Nerd Approved School Gadget Giveaway!
Sweet Deals 4 Moms Review & Giveaway
Jewlery4Change Review
Keenly Kristin

August 2011
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December 2009 is the authoritative resource for ergonomics, comfort laser mice, ergonomic laser mice, ergonomic laptop mice, bluetooth ergonomic mice, laser ergonomic laser mice, ergonomic optical mice, ergonomic keyboards, comfort keyboards. Smartfish technologies is the authoritative source for the most innovative rsi mice, rsi keyboards, carpal tunel mice, carpal tunnel keyboards.and the latest in comfort and ergonomic computer related products.