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The Thrifty Things: Review & Giveaway
Posted by Smartfish on 11/16/2010
"I admit it. I have to spend way to much time on the computer working on The Thrifty Things. As the amount of computer usage time increases, the number of people suffering from Repetitive Stress Injury and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is also increasing.

Smartfish Technologies has designed an Ergonomic Mouse to combat this problem. The Smartfish features "ErgoMotion" pivot technology. Instead of being a single, solid mouse, the top portion is attached to a ball-and-socket like pivot base. It's able to move forward and backward as well as side to side.

As a leftie, I am constantly having to use products developed for the right handed majority. This mouse is able to be moved and used by lefties! It lives up to its claims to reduce pain and discomfort after extended use (and yes, I had to check it out!) With it's wireless technology it is great to use with the laptop or the desktop computer. No more pesky wires to get tangled. It includes 2AA batteries which can last up to 10 months. (Using the on/off button on the bottom will extend the life.) "

To read more about what The Thrifty Things is saying about Smartfish Technologies or to enter to win an ErgoMotion Laser Mouse, Visit their website.

Giveaway Ends: November 27th, 2010.
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