"In case you haven't guessed, I spend a fair amount of time on my computer. And even though I use a laptop, I'm still a dedicated mouse-user because it has always seemed so much faster and easier than the touch pad.
So aside from stretching my arms and hands now and again, there isn't much more that I do to keep from feeling sore and stiff after staying in pretty much the same position for an extended amount of time.
At first glance, the ErgoMotion Laser Mouse from Smartfish Technologies resembles all of the traditional computer accessories that line the shelves of every electronics store. However, as soon as you take this out of the package, it's clear that the patented pivot motion design is far more unique than the mouse you've been using.
By smoothly tilting back and forth and side to side, this mouse is then able to move with your natural hand and wrist positions and help promote blood flow and comfort. Instead of ending up with a cramped hand and sore wrist, the ErgoMotion Laser Mouse works with your unique movements to keep everything from your shoulder down to your fingers feeling good.
Right away I was happy that this mouse passed the two main requirements that I have set in place for all computer mice that I use: they must have a scroll wheel and they must be wireless.
The first time I started using a mouse with a scroll wheel, I didn't even realize how much I utilized it until that mouse conked out and I had to use a different one while I was waiting for a replacement. I'm addicted! The ErgoMotion Laser Mouse's scroll wheel is smooth to the touch and moves easily with only a light touch - just exactly how it should be.
Also, as the last thing I need is another cord anywhere in my house, so I was happy to see that the ErgoMotion Last Mouse is not only wireless but it has a nano receiver - meaning that tiny little piece can be plugged in and then permanently left there, even when your computer gets packed up for work or traveling.
As an added bonus, if you do take the nano receiver out, it has a perfect little storage indent right on the underside of the mouse itself. This eliminates all concerns about losing or damaging the receiver when it isn't in use - what a well-designed addition.
Another great feature of this mouse is that the setup requirements are... well, none as long as you don't count popping in the two provided batteries. Simply plug the receiver into your computer and, after a minute of your computer finding and recognizing it, you're ready to go. Any times that I don't have to install software or read through an instruction book are good ones.
So... how does it feel? To be honest, it took some getting used to. The ErgoMotion Laser Mouse is a bit larger than the mouse I was currently using, so that was the first adjustment. And the rocking, pivoting and swiveling feeling was also new, but did feel nice in comparison to the fixed position that my hand and wrist are usually in. Plus, the overall smooth movement and accurate laser tracking do make this very easy to use and enjoy. I'm looking forward to continuing to use it to see if it helps keep my hand, wrist and arm feeling great!
For anyone who spends time at the computer, this mouse is a great addition to their safety, comfort and convenience. Available on Amazon for $49.99, Smartfish Technologies has come up with a way to make using a mouse something more futuristic than the standard that we're used to. By removing the strain, discomfort and repetition of our movements, we're less likely to experience injuries at some point down the road. Isn't that a gift worth giving this holiday season?"
To see what else Thanks, Mail Carrier is saying about Smartfish Technologies, or to enter to win your own ErgoMotion Laser Mouse,
visit their website.Giveaway Ends: November 26th, 2010.