"I was really excited to try this new mouse from Smartfish Technologies, but my sweet hubby grabbed the package and opened it right up! He had just bought a mouse for his laptop, but he wasn�t happy with it. He loves this new mouse and he even lets me use it! Let me give you a little more information about it.
Whirl ErgoMotion pivot system makes your mouse feel like it's "floating on air!"
The Truth About Ergonomic Products
Many ergonomic products on the market today are designed to find the perfect �fixed position� to alleviate stress to the user�s hands and wrists while they work. These products are designed with the belief that by placing the user�s hands and wrists at a �natural� angle this will properly address Repetitive Stress Injury (RSI). However, studies show repetition, not the position, induces RSI such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS), proving that any fixed position will not solve the problem. In fact, over time, prolonged work in the same position will only cause injury no matter how natural the position.
Motion Heals
ErgoMotion is built on the concept that movement is the key to healthier computing. The medical community has long supported movement to be beneficial to the human body, which promotes blood flow and decreases inflammation�inadequate blood circulation and inflammation are both considered key contributors to RSI. It was Smartfish�s founder, Dr. Jack Atzmon, who�s own experience with RSI lead him to question the effects ergonomic computer products had while he worked. Through Dr. Atzmon�s own research he challenged �fixed-position� products and their claimed benefits, and developed a theory that motion was the solution to true ergonomics.
Smartfish partnered with New York�s Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) to study the affects motion would have on a user while they compute. It was the collaboration with HSS that helped develop ErgoMotion� proving subtle, even incremental movement would increase blood flow and reduce inflammation eliminating the risks of RSI. By applying motion to products, ErgoMotion� is redefining the future of ergonomics."
To read more about what Songberries is saying about Smartfish Technologies and the ErgoMotion Laser Mouse, visit their website today!