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Who Said Nothing In Life Is Free Review & Giveaway - ErgoMotion Laser Mouse
Posted by Smartfish on 10/26/2010
"I am so excited because Smartfish Technologies contacted me about doing a review of their ErgoMotion Laser mouse and I was really needing to get one for my laptop but kept putting it off. I gotta say, this is the most amazing laser mouse I have ever used. I have a different brand of laser mouse on my desktop computer and it goes out from time to time and it frustrates me so much. However, this Smartfish ErgoMotion Laser mouse has not gone out on me and I can even use it on my couch while I am blogging. Installing it was a piece of cake, I just plugged in the usb drive and that was it� no installation DVD was required. I really love the pivot feature and the scrolling wheel saves me lots of time (I don�t have to move over to scroll down the side of the page anymore).

After I saw how amazing this mouse was, I asked if I could give one away to one of my readers and they agreed� so one lucky person is going to win one of these!!!"

To read more about what Who Said Nothing In Life Is Free is saying about Smartfish, or to enter to win a Smartfish ErgoMotion Laser Mouse, visit their website here.

Giveaway Ends: November 5th, 2010 @ 5:00pm EST
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