"I received my ErgoMotion Mouse from Smartfish Technologies to review. I really didn't know what to expect from this mouse right off the top of my head after reading about it on their site. I mean I'm on the computer alot with my blog and a few other things I try to get done online and don't get me wrong I have a gel mouse pad which makes a big difference but holdin my hand in one position for awhile starts hurtin my fingers and such. So I had my wrist took care of but figured there was no way to get rid of the cramping in my fingers and such til I saw this wonderful little mouse. I got this pretty fast in the mail and was so excited couldn't wait to try it out. It comes with this small little connector piece that's usb and it stick into any usb drive and automatically it picks it up no programs or discs to slow you down I love that. It can reach on the other side of my house with moving the mouse around although who would do that not sure ha ha. I love that it doesn't use a ball which makes it so much easier to slide around while using and no messy cleanup. I love how it doesn't have a blinding red laser on the bottom either so no worries if your child gets hold of it. It has a on and off switch on the bottom which is convenient plus if your goin somewhere travel wise just take the small little usb connector and pop into the bottom of the mouse where it has a slot to hold it. Anyways back to the part of how it works well you use it like a regular mouse and when your surfin and such you will notice how your hand automatically tries to turn well with this mouse you can surf the net with comfort. It moves with you even if you don't notice it which means less cramps. I will tell you since I have been usin mine my fingers don't cramp anymore at all. This is the worlds best mouse by far and Smartfish Technologies is a awesome company to check out."
To read more about what Evoluchun's Misc. is saying about Smartfish Technologies or to enter to win your own ErgoMotion Laser Mouse, visit their website.
Giveaway Ends: December 1st, 2010.